Parking Lot

Parking Lot

Parking Lot Paving

If you’re a business owner and you currently have a paved parking lot that needs a degree of repair or maintenance, or you are considering the benefits and impacts of paving your commercial property, knowing some of the full details can help inform your decisions. Before you research and consider your available options for qualified professional parking lot paving contractors in your given area, one of the most significant decisions you’ll need to make involves whether a concrete or asphalt paved parking lot is more beneficial and suits your specific business needs and aspirations. Each paved parking lot material has distinct characteristics to help inform your decision. As a leader in providing high-quality, reliable roofing and paving materials and associated services, Red Leaf Drives is here to help you every step of the way with information, guidance, and service options that can effectively maximize your available time and commercial budget funds.

Concrete vs. Asphalt Parking Lots

Parking lot construction and paving can come with specific budget considerations as a commercial property investment, although it has various worthwhile benefits you can enjoy. Failing to undergo parking lot paving and subsequently maintain it can also come with specific considerable negative impacts on your business’s efforts, budget, and overall goals. Paving and maintaining your parking lot paving can help your returns on investments as an apparent beautification effort that can attract and retain clients and employees. These parking lot construction activities can also prevent you from suffering client and employee losses, unnecessary turnovers, increased liability claims, higher insurance costs, higher eventual construction and maintenance costs, and more. Beyond the existing surface of your paved parking lot, there is necessary stormwater management, base preparation, various potential stripping considerations, and more. Stormwater management can include drainage, storage, stripping, and filtering considerations. Depending on the particular size of your parking lot, the chosen material can significantly impact these.

When it comes to concrete vs. asphalt parking lots, choosing quality versus initially cheaper materials can make a significant impact on your overall experienced benefits and ultimate costs. While more inexpensive materials can be initially tempting to select, you can often find yourself paying more in the long run as these typically have a significantly decreased lifespan compared to other higher-quality materials. These cheaper materials may also be more costly to maintain and repair, with more frequent and extensive maintenance and repair needs in the long run. Cheap asphalt, for example, tends to tear up quickly. Concrete and asphalt are both similar parking lot construction materials, susceptible to standing water and damage over time that require a certain degree of regular maintenance to circumvent more costly repairs over time. Both paving materials have similar long-term durability. However, asphalt is a more cost-effective option, especially for a more considerable commercial parking lot.

Parking Lot Construction from Red Leaf Drives

Asphalt is one of the most widely used construction materials for commercial parking lots. As the most commonly utilized paving material available, asphalt can help you create sturdy, flat, and reliable parking lot surfaces. With an asphalt parking lot from Red Leaf Drives, you can enjoy all the benefits of high-quality and durable parking lots. You won’t have to worry about or hassle with extensively maintaining and repairing on an unnecessarily regular or consistent basis. You can rely on our experienced and caring team of roofing and paving contractors to work to achieve the parking lot you need and want to satisfy and maintain your goals and efforts for the life of your business. A given commercial parking lot can potentially endure various strains on its surface and structural integrity, including harsh weather conditions, harsh or heavy traffic flows, oil spills, and much more on a daily basis. You deserve the best materials, service offerings, and construction work.

Without the highest quality materials and maintenance to protect and support your interests and budget, you can spend much more time and money to achieve and maintain a safe, aesthetically pleasing, and attractive commercial property. If you’re living in the Toronto, ON area, you can receive the very best from Red Leaf Drives. Our parking lot paving and other services remain unmatched. With our high-quality, durable materials, you can enjoy all the impactful benefits of low maintenance costs and paved parking lots that can last for decades. Our materials can keep your business looking well-maintained and professional. When your business is ready for commercial paving,  patching, repairs, and other maintenance, give us a call for a free estimate!